“The Words of Worlds Series”
A blog dedicated to anything and everything related to the Worlds Schools circuit.

Should I Bring in a Professional? Coming to Appreciate World Schools Debate

Aspire, Adapt, Achieve

Team Chemistry—Science or Debate Necessity?

The Start of Something New

World Schools Debate: A Fusion of Forensics

Reveling in rhetoric: How speakers can savor style in World Schools

Breaking the Mold: Reevaluating the Need for a Third Substantive Argument
Whether it’s during the stressful hour before an impromptu round or while writing cases weeks in advance for a prepared round, most World Schools debaters are quite accustomed to racking their brains for a third argument. Various ideas float around but are ultimately rejected because the warranting is too similar to the first two arguments. This then begs the question: Are third substantive arguments truly necessary in World Schools Debate?