Tournament of Champions WSD Motions Are Out!!

They are finally here: the WSD motions for the TOC!! While we might have a bit of a conflict of interest, these motions look fun and we can’t wait to see what people do with them. The motions are:

  • Round 1/2: This house welcomes the decline of the US as a sole hegemonic power.

  • Round 5: THR the rise of the culture of "Toxic Positivity"

    Info slide: Toxic positivity is the belief that no matter how dire or difficult a situation is, people should maintain a positive mindset

  • Elim 1: When distributing welfare, THP that governments provide direct cash transfers instead of social goods (e.g. food stamps, free education, vocational training programmes)

  • Elim 3: THW ban users from selling their data to companies in exchange for financial returns (i.e. receiving fixed monthly rates, dividends, etc., for the use of their data by companies)

You can find the full breakdown and schedule here.


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